As the Canadian voice of recruiting, employment and staffing services, ACSESS (Association of Canadian Search, Employment & Staffing Services) affiliate business partners are any organization or individual that provides products or services to the staffing and recruitment industry. By allying with ACSESS they demonstrate their openness to industry collaboration and the spirit of cooperation through which the sector thrives. ACSESS also provides enhanced support and value for members to its Affiliate Business Partner program.
ACSESS holds a number of topical events throughout the year from webinars, in-person, to a national conference with many opportunities for partners to be involved.
With a reach of over 1,600 contacts whos firms seek products and services to manage millions of employees there are opportunities to advertise in e-newsletter, e-blasts and on the website to name a few.
Through partnering with our industry leaders and suppliers, ACSESS can forge long standing partnerships to benefit ACSESS membership and the staffing and recruitment industy at large.
Join Canada's only association dedicated to the interests of the staffing and recruitment sector and become a trusted member of a communication of businesses. Connect with those that use your products and services who care about building relationships with suppliers that understand and care about their industry. ACSESS Affiliate Business Partner is your competitive advantage. Learn more and join today.
ACSESS is pleased to connect members with industry service specialists and vlue-added member benefits. Click here for a complete listing of current Affiliate Business Partners. Join Now!
Fill in an enquiry form and our Partnerships team will be in contact.