ACSESS eblasts reach more than 1,600 key contacts whose firms seek products and services to manage millions of employees. Several of our eblasts are distributed to specific industry sub-sectors and geographic regions company allowing for niche-target advertising opportunities. Your banner ad will include a link to your website. 4 eblasts monthly; 1 a week for a month, $600. Banner ad dimension: 560 px wide by 120 px high.
We put you front and centre on the homepage of our website which received an average of 15,035 visitors per month. is an excellent vehicle for reaching staffing industry professionals. The homepage is a premium placement at a cost of $400/month with a maximum of 3 available spaces. Discount given for 1 year commitment. *banners link directly to affiliate website. Banner ad dimension: 260 px wide x 200 px high.
Promote your product or service in our email newsletter and its archive library on the website. With over 700 executive recipients in staffing with an open rate of over 60%, ACSESS2Work is a powerful tool to connect with potential customers.
Premium Ad - $1000
Displayed directly under top header, readers will see your ad immediately on the opening screen. Includes 50 word post within the newsletter.
*Premium placements may only be held for two consecutive issues and then subject to availability
Banner or Box size Ad - $350
Posted within the body of the newsletter.
Sponsored Content - $750
Consumers are shown to spend the same time with a branded story as with organic editorial content. Your sponsored content will be within the body of the newsletter, to blend in fully. Email version includes 3-15 word title, maximum 200 word article body, with link to full article (no word limit) in the ACSESS2Work online issue. Your sponsored content will live in the ACSESS2Work website library indefinitely.
*Subject to approval at the discretion of ACSESS.
All ads include a link, as well a posting on the ACSESS2Work Website Library for the duration of the current issue.
September, December, March, June. All ads include link, as well as posting on the ACSESS2Work website library for the duration of the current issue.
ACSESS hosts webinars on topical subjects throughout the year. Webinars are an excellent opportunity to reach Canada's most influential staffing audience directly. Affiliate business partners can participate in the ACSESS annual webinar program by presenting a 1-hour session on an industry topic of their choice. This opportunity will be subject to the educational committee's approval of sample presentation and scheduling availability. This also includes recognition on eblast promotions and social media platforms and logo representation on the on-screen webinar presentation and the affiliate's contact information on the final webinar slide. Click here to complete ACSESS webinar application form.
Promote your product or service to all levels of staffing industry professionals at ACSESS events and on the ACSESS website. This also includes recognition on eblast promotions and social media platforms and complimentary admittance to the event with the opportunity to network with industry decision-makers, hand out any material on your business, and a 3-minute spot to address the attendees at the event in person. The price is based on the type of event and attendance. Click here for upcoming events.