Industry Best Practices for Engaging Public Servants

When contacting government officials in relation to temporary help and professional services, ACSESS members are expected to follow our Code of Ethics and observe the highest principles of integrity and professionalism.

The following lists our Industry's Best Practices and advice for engaging government officials in sales and marketing related activities:

  1. Be respectful. Yes you're a taxpayer but the public servant does not have to take your call. Opt for a respectful tone in your communication.
  2. When communicating via telephone ... clearly state your contact information (name and company) and reason for your call. Confirm with the interlocutor that they are indeed a point of contact for temporary help or professional services.
  3. Try email. If the telephone attempt was unsuccessful, send a concise and personalized email including relevant information (ex: company name, your SO/SA info, types of services provided, benefits of using your company, contact information) and mention in your email why you would like to connect.
  4. Embrace voicemail. A well-prepared and relevant voicemail can set the tone nicely for a follow-up call.
  5. When following up with your contact, remember item #1. Determine with your contact what would be deemed a reasonable follow-up schedule (ex: monthly, bi-monthly).
  6. In line with the Anti-Spam Legislation, provide the client with the opportunity to say "No thanks" (or unsubscribe).

For more information on ACSESS or our Government Relations activity, please contact Mary McIninch at