Since our last newsletter, ACSESS has continued to make the staffing industry's views known across a wide range of policy issues. We have represented members on several public policy fronts, including rate reform consultations, employment standards and federal procurement. Since our last report, our focus has been on new Registry and Licensing requirements, federal procurement and new obligations for staffing firms in the province of Quebec.
ACSESS continues to assume a leadership role in ensuring that industry members are aware of legislative and regulatory changes on a national scale which if implemented may affect their businesses. Our national committee and sub committees continue to actively monitor legislative developments in all provinces on a wide range of industry specific policy issues.
Over the course of the next few months, ACSESS will be working closely with Ministry staff on the drafting of the regulations for industry licensing in Ontario. The regulations will include new penalties on firms that violate basic safety and employment standards, posting of a surety bond and new vetting requirements prior to the issuance of a license.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all our members for your leadership and support. There is strength in numbers! We are more robust and influential in all areas of our mandate and look forward to continued growth and success.
Mary McIninch
Executive Director, Government Relations/Directrice Générale